This pathway prepares students who hold a bachelor's degree to complete medical school science admission requirements. Completion of this pathway prepares students to apply to medical school. Admission to medical school is selective and dependent on multiple factors. Students should carefully research target institution requirements and will need clinical exposure ...
This pathway prepares students who hold a bachelor's degree to complete medical school science admission requirements. Completion of this pathway prepares students to apply to medical school. Admission to medical school is selective and dependent on multiple factors. Students should carefully research target institution requirements and will need clinical exposure outside of coursework.
Note: Students following this pathway do not earn a credential and will need to see an advisor to create a customized educational plan to earn an Associate's degree.
This pathway prepares students who hold a bachelor's degree to complete medical school science admission requirements. Completion of this pathway prepares students to apply to medical school. Admission to medical school is selective and dependent on multiple factors. Students should carefully research target institution requirements and will need clinical exposure outside of coursework.
Note: Students following this pathway do not earn a credential and will need to see an advisor to create a customized educational plan to earn an Associate's degree.
Estimated Length of Completion
No Degree
Full time : 8
You may need more or fewer units depending on your transferred credits, individual situation, and goals.
F-1 international students must enroll full time (12+ units) each quarter and check in with the International Programs office before the start of the quarter if enrolling in less than 12 units and/or before starting any work or volunteer experience.
Check with prospective universities to confirm specific entrance requirements.
If you need academic accommodations for a documented disability, please contact Disability Services.
Step 1: Apply and register
at North Seattle College anytime (the application is always free). Once you become a student, register for classes using the
online class schedule
and go to the
academic calendar
for registration dates and tuition deadlines.
Step 2: See an advisor to
create a personalized educational plan
by the end of your second quarter. Your plan will include prerequisites, graduation requirements,
and transfer preparation if you plan to transfer to another college or university to earn a bachelor's degree.
Sample Schedule and Quarterly To-Do List
113 Units
A sample schedule and quarterly to-do list are below.
The schedule and to-do list will help you explore courses and complete tasks on time. The guide assumes a fall quarter start,
but you can begin in any quarter and start at any placement level.
Note about the sample schedule: Courses are offered in
various formats
and may not be offered each quarter. Click the button with arrows throughout the map to expand the section and view detailed information.
BIOL&211 is the first of a three-quarter introduction to biology sequence in preparation for advanced study in areas such as medicine, dentistry, cell biology, microbiology, or veterinary medicine. BIOL& 211 focuses on cellular biology, BIOL& 212 on the biological diversity in animals and BIOL& 213 on evolution, ecology and biological principles of prokaryotes, fungi, protists and plants. Lab included.
Course ID 0770815 Units
General Chem W/Lab I
6 units
CHEM&161 6 units
CHEM& 161:
General Chemistry With Lab I
The first in a 3-quarter sequence introducing basic chemistry concepts such as: structure & bonding, chemical reactivity, measurement, stoichiometry, structure of matter, gas laws, intermolecular forces, solutions, acid/base, kinetics, equilibrium and other chemical concepts. Satisfies the general chemistry requirement for science & engineering majors. Lab included.
Course ID 0771156 Units
Precalculus I
5 units
MATH&141 5 units
MATH& 141:
Precalculus I
Students can take MATH&141 or higher.
The sequence Math& 141 and Math& 142 covers polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; related functional and algebraic topics; topics in analytic geometry; systems of equations; trig and inverse trig functions; right triangle and oblique triangle trig; polar coordinates; vectors; and related trig applications. Fulfills the QSR requirement for A.A. degree.
Course ID 0773335 Units
Recommended: UGR 294 Independent Research
3 units
Recommended: UGR 294 Independent Research 3 units
Undergraduate Research is recommended but not required for this degree. Please see financial aid about your funding options.
UGR 294
Quarter 2
To-Do List
To-Do List
Check in for help with advising for creating an education plan.
Research and develop a list of medical schools of interest.
Explore acceptance information and data through the (American Association of Medical Colleges).
Majors Animal
5 units
BIOL&212 5 units
BIOL& 212:
Majors Animal
A three-quarter intro to biology sequence in preparation for advanced study in areas such as medicine, dentistry, cell biology, microbiology, or veterinary medicine. BIOL& 211 focuses on cellular biology, BIOL& 212 on the biological diversity in animals and BIOL& 213 on evolution, ecology and biological principles of prokaryotes, fungi, protists and plants. Lab included. Continuation of series. Emphasis on the biological diversity of animals, general principles of animal physiology, growth and development.
Course ID 0770825 Units
General Chem W/Lab II
6 units
CHEM&162 6 units
CHEM& 162:
General Chemistry with Lab II
The second in a 3-quarter sequence introducing basic chemistry concepts such as: structure & bonding, chemical reactivity, measurement, stoichiometry, structure of matter, gas laws, intermolecular forces, solutions, acid/base, kinetics, equilibrium and other chemical concepts. Satisfies the general chemistry requirement for science & engineering majors. Lab included.
Course ID 0771166 Units
Precalculus II
5 units
MATH&142 5 units
MATH& 142:
Precalculus II
Students can take MATH&141 or higher.
The sequence Math& 141 and Math& 142 covers polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; related functional and algebraic topics; topics in analytic geometry; systems of equations; trig and inverse trig functions; right triangle and oblique triangle trig; polar coordinates; vectors; and related trig applications. Fulfills the QSR requirement for A.A. degree.
Course ID 0773345 Units
Recommended: UGR 294 Independent Research
3 units
Recommended: UGR 294 Independent Research 3 units
Undergraduate Research is recommended but not required for this degree. Please see financial aid about your funding options.
UGR 294
Quarter 3
To-Do List
To-Do List
Visit potential universities and determine application deadlines and admission requirements for medical schools.
Attend the University of Washington Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Begin learning about the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test).
Attend "Making Learning and Teaching Visible" campus event every spring.
A three-quarter introduction to biology sequence in preparation for advanced study in areas such as medicine, dentistry, cell biology, microbiology, or veterinary medicine. BIOL& 211 focuses on cellular biology, BIOL& 212 on the biological diversity in animals and BIOL& 213 on evolution, ecology and biological principles of prokaryotes, fungi, protists and plants. Lab included.
Course ID 0770835 Units
General Chem W/Lab III
6 units
CHEM&163 6 units
CHEM& 163:
General Chemistry With Lab III
The third in a 3-quarter sequence introducing basic chemistry concepts such as: structure & bonding, chemical reactivity, measurement, stoichiometry, structure of matter, gas laws, intermolecular forces, solutions, acid/base, kinetics, equilibrium and other chemical concepts. Satisfies the general chemistry requirement for science & engineering majors. Lab included.
Course ID 0771176 Units
Calculus I
5 units
MATH&151 5 units
MATH& 151:
Calculus I
Students can take MATH&151 or higher.
The sequence MATH&151, &152 and &163 covers limits, differential calculus and its applications, integral calculus and its applications, intro to differential equations, series (including Taylor series), vector geometry in three dimensions, multivariable calculus, partial differentiation, double integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates, and applications.
Course ID 0773375 Units
Recommended: UGR 294 Independent Research
3 units
Recommended: UGR 294 Independent Research 3 units
Undergraduate Research is recommended but not required for this degree. Please see financial aid about your funding options.
Pursue clinical and volunteer experiences if needed for applications.
Visual, Literary and Perf Arts or Individuals/Cultures/Societies or PHYS&114
Choose a course
5 units
Visual, Literary and Perf Arts or Individuals/Cultures/Societies or PHYS&114 5 units
If not completed already, consider taking PSYC&100 or sociology or ENGL&111 if needed for MCAT or medical school application. Speak with your advisor for more information.,
Visual, Literary and Perf Arts or Individuals/Cultures/Societies
PHYS& 114:
General Physics I With Lab
PHYS&114 is recommended if you did not take high school physics and you are planning to take the PHYS&221, 222, 223 (Engineering Physics) series.
First of three algebra-based courses covering the field of physics. Includes kinematics, vectors, forces, dynamics, work, energy, momentum, torque and gravitation. Lab included.
Course ID 0773835 Units
Quarter 5
To-Do List
To-Do List
Identify the best date and location to take the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test).
Ask instructors and others for letters of recommendation.
Organic Chem I
4 units
CHEM&241 4 units
CHEM& 241:
Organic Chemistry I
The first course in a three-quarter sequence that includes introduction to organic chemistry, chemistry of carbon compounds and what makes them unique from other branches of chemistry. It covers structure and bonding, functional groups, nomenclature and stereoisomers, preparation, synthesis and reactions of various types of organic molecules, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and alkyl halides.
Course ID 0771204 Units
Calculus II
5 units
MATH&152 5 units
MATH& 152:
Calculus II
MATH&152 is recommended but not required.
The sequence MATH&151, &152 and &163 covers limits, differential calculus and its applications, integral calculus and its applications, intro to differential equations, series (including Taylor series), vector geometry in three dimensions, multivariable calculus, partial differentiation, double integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates, and applications.
Course ID 0773385 Units
PHYS&114 or PHYS&221
Choose a course
5 units
PHYS&114 or PHYS&221 5 units
Choose a course
PHYS& 114:
General Physics I With Lab
First of three algebra-based courses covering the field of physics. Includes kinematics, vectors, forces, dynamics, work, energy, momentum, torque and gravitation. Lab included.
Course ID 0773835 Units
PHYS& 221:
Engineering Physics I
PHYS&221 is strongly recommended if you have finished MATH&151
Development of the basic principles of classical mechanics--kinematics, Newton's laws and the conservation laws using calculus. Lab included.
Course ID 0773895 Units
Quarter 6
To-Do List
To-Do List
Continue clinical and shadowing opportunities as needed.
PHYS&115 or PHYS&222
Choose a course
5 units
PHYS&115 or PHYS&222 5 units
Choose a course
PHYS& 115:
General Physics II With Lab
Continuation of PHYS& 114. Includes fluids, heat, gas laws, electricity, magnetism and electrical circuits. Lab included.
Course ID 0773845 Units
PHYS& 222:
Engineering Physics II
Covers Maxwell's classical laws of electricity and magnetism which developed from the study of the Laws of Coulomb, Ampere, Gauss and Faraday. Lab included.
Course ID 0773905 Units
Organic Chem II
4 units
CHEM&242 4 units
CHEM& 242:
Organic Chemistry II
The second course in a three-quarter sequence that is the continuation of the chemistry of carbon compounds. This course covers alkane, alkene, alcohol and aromatic functional groups and their nomenclature, structure, and reactivity. There is also the continuation of study of arrow pushing mechanisms. Modern instrumentation such as FTIR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy are introduced.
Course ID 0771214 Units
Organic Chem Lab I
4 units
CHEM&251 4 units
CHEM& 251:
Organic Chemistry Lab I
First quarter of a two-quarter organic chemistry laboratory sequence. Entails purification techniques, synthesis & spectral analysis of representative compounds.
Course ID 0771234 Units
Quarter 7
To-Do List
To-Do List
Study for the MCAT.
PHYS&116 or PHYS&223
Choose a course
5 units
PHYS&116 or PHYS&223 5 units
Choose a course
PHYS& 116:
General Physics III With Lab
Continuation of series. Covers mechanical oscillations, sound, optics, atomic and nuclear physics. Lab included.
Course ID 0773855 Units
PHYS& 223:
Engineering Physics III
Introduction to waves and oscillations and the study of sound, geometric and physical optics. Covers the dualistic particle-wave nature of microscopic phenomena as an intro to modern physics. Lab included.
Course ID 0773915 Units
Organic Chem III
4 units
CHEM&243 4 units
CHEM& 243:
Organic Chemistry III
The third course in a three-quarter sequence of organic chemistry, the chemistry of carbon compounds. This course focuses on carbonyl compounds and their structure, bonding, nomenclature and reactivity. Carbohydrates and proteins are also introduced.
Course ID 0771224 Units
MATH&146 or MATH211
Choose a course
5 units
MATH&146 or MATH211 5 units
Choose a course
MATH& 146:
Introduction to Statistics
Covers descriptive methods, probability and probability distributions, samples, decisions, hypothesis testing and statistical inferences. Fulfills QSR requirement for A.A. degree
Course ID 0773355 Units
MATH 211:
Elements of Statistical Methods
The course will examine numerical and categorical data, analyze sampling distributions, perform inference on numerical and categorical data, and explore relationship between quantitative variables. A statistical programming language will be used for statistical computation and graphics. Prereq: MATH 116 or MATH& 141 with a 2.0 or higher, or placement test.
Course ID 0773155 Units
Biochemistry I
3 units
CHEM255 3 units
CHEM 255:
Biochemistry I
Take biochemistry series (CHEM&25x) as needed.
First course in a 2 quarter sequence. Survey of basic principles of biochemistry and molecular biology, emphasizing chemical events in living systems in terms of metabolism and structure-function relationships of biologically important molecules. For chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or medical technology majors. Prereq: CHEM&242 with a grade of 2.0 or better.
Course ID 0770993 Units
Quarter 8
To-Do List
To-Do List
Take the MCAT keeping in mind application deadlines.
Submit applications for medical school through AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service).
Organic Chem Lab II
4 units
CHEM&252 4 units
CHEM& 252:
Organic Chemistry Lab II
Second quarter of a two-quarter organic chemistry laboratory sequence. Entails synthesis, identification of unknowns & spectral analysis of representative compounds.
Course ID 0771244 Units
Biochemistry II
3 units
CHEM256 3 units
CHEM 256:
Biochemistry II
Second course of a two-quarter sequence. Survey of basic principles of biochemistry and molecular biology. Covers chemical events in living systems in terms of metabolism and structure-function relationships of biologically important molecules. For chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, or medical technology majors.
Course ID 0771003 Units
More Information
Tuition and Funding
It's time to apply for Financial Aid for next year by completing either the
FAFSA or the
WASFA 2025-26.
Need help paying for college?
To apply for financial aid, including grants and scholarships you don’t have to pay back, visit
North's Financial Aid Department for details.
Part-time and full-time students can qualify for financial aid funds.
A Pre-medicine pathway can lead to various career opportunities once students apply, are admitted to, and finish medical school. Examples include:
A Doctor of Medicine is required for the careers listed above. For current employment and wage estimates, please visit
Future Education Opportunities
Once you complete the Pre-medicine pathway, additional education opportunities include:
Medical Degree or a related field at a four-year college or university.
Continuation of preparation for professional programs such as pre-medicine, pre-dental, pre-veterinarian, pre-pharmacy, physical therapy.
Note: This pathway assumes students have already obtained a Bachelor's degree. You can use the College Navigator search engine found at to find programs in Washington state or around the country.