Basic and Transitional Studies

  • ESL (English as a Second Language) 
  • ABE, GED®, Adult High School Completion (HS+)
  • I-BEST: Job-Training combined with ESL or HS+
  • College-Prep Math and English

Tuition: $25/quarter (scholarships available)

ESL: To take an ESL class, first you must fill out the application below:

ESL Application

  • If you took classes here before, please locate your student ID number if you can.
  • If you are taking a class with us right now, talk with your teacher.
  • Students with B visas (Tourist), F visas (International Student), or J visas (Au Pair) are not eligible for the ESL program.  Please contact Continuing Education for B or J visas or International Programs for F visas.

Do you have a question?

The Basic & Transitional Studies office hours: 
Mon – Thursday, 8:00 to 5:00 pm & Friday 8:00 to 1:00 pm

ESL (English Language) questions: 

ABE/GED/High School+ questions: 

I-BEST (Job training) questions: 

Transitional Studies and Pre-College Programs:


We have 6 levels of ESL from very beginner to college-ready and offer all levels in the day and in the evenings, face-to-face and online.

  • Improve your English language skills for your daily life and job.
  • Explore and transition to a college degree.
  • Train for a better career.


  • Finish your High School Diploma with High School+
  • Get College-Ready in English and Math for just $25/quarter
  • Earn your GED® (& get free practice tests & test vouchers too!)


Pre-College Math

Brush up on and/or strengthen your math foundation before moving into your field of study.  Enroll in NSC’s Pre-College Math.

Program Pathway Map 

Program Pathways are a series of courses and experiences carefully selected to help prepare for your career or university transfer.  Program Pathway Maps guide you through quarter-by-quarter coursework, indicate when you’ll need to complete important steps, and describe popular careers in this pathway.  Some course sequences or recommended courses can be customized or adjusted by speaking with an advisor.

See our academic to-do lists:     
Arts, Design, & Graphics courses and academic to-do list     
Business & Accounting courses and academic to-do list     
Health & Medical courses and academic to-do list     
Skilled Trades & Technical Training courses and academic to-do list     
Social Sciences, Humanities & Language courses and academic to-do list     
STEM courses and academic to-do list