ABE, GED, High School+
Transitional Studies: ABE, GED, High School+, and College Prep
- Get College-Ready in English and Math
- Finish your High School Diploma
- Earn your GED®
- Prepare for college or career training through on-ramp courses in:
- Accounting
- Early Childhood Education
- Electronics
- Information Technology
- Pharmacy Technician
Price: $25/quarter (scholarships available)
Sign Up for ABE, GED, High School+ classes:
- Classes are offered quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer quarter)
- All classes are online with live, interactive instruction.
- We have laptops and hotspots you can borrow.
To start ABE, GED, or HS+, please fill out the inquiry form below:
If you have questions, please contact our BTS Transitions Specialist, Shan Lackey at Shan.Lackey@seattlecolleges.edu.
Our office is now officially open in person: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 to 5:00pm & Friday 8:00 to 1:00pm
Do you have a question?
- Drop-In: 2nd Floor, IB Building, Room 2407C
- Call/email us: (206) 934-4720 or BTS@seattlecolleges.edu to schedule an In-Person or Virtual Appointment
About ABE/GED/High School+ and College Prep:
In Transitional Studies we have 3 programs that get you college-ready as you start your pathway/degree to a living-wage, high-demand career.
- GED®
- Washington state currently uses the four-part GED® tests for its high school equivalency test. We have quarterly classes in the day and evening, online and in-person, to help you prepare and practice for the GED. Students enrolled in our $25/quarter GED-prep program will receive unlimited free test vouchers.
- For information about GED®, see the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges web page.
- High School+
- Earn a WA state high school diploma
- Credit for Life Knowledge: Adults who are at least 18 years old can earn a high school diploma through High School+ -- a program that turns your life experience (work, transcripts, previous training, or military experience) into credits toward a high school diploma.
- Credit for High School and College (2 for 1!): enroll in a college-level class and get high school credit at the same time. This dual-credit approach saves you time and money.
- Customized Education Plans: work one-on-one with our Transition Specialist to assess what credits you have already earned. Then, develop a plan to complete your high school diploma while you start a degree or job training program.
- College Prep/Transitional Studies
- Refresh your Math -- statistics, algebra, and pre-cal.
- Brush up your English -- thesis statements, grammar, and paragraph organization.