Transfer Timeline

A step-by-step guide to help you transfer to a university successfully.

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  1. Explore majors and careers:
  2. Choose a 90-credit transfer degree that fits your major.
  3. Get some experience:  Volunteer with or conduct informational interviews in fields of interest. Join major-related student clubs.
  4. Research potential four-year colleges and universities:
  1. Get to know four-year schools better:
    • Meet with four-year college advisors at our campus or theirs. Visit four-year campuses at events such as UW Seattle Transfer Thursday.
    • Learn major and admission requirements from four-year college websites. For UW Seattle, the MyMajor page is a good resource.
    • Start your list of preferred schools. Have a backup plan if not admitted to your first choice. Note specific application processes and deadlines for your schools and major.
  2. Make an Educational Plan: Schedule an appointment with your area of study advisor to make a plan to complete your degree and prepare for your major.
  3. Keep Finances in Mind
    • Update your FAFSA or WASFA after October 1st of the year before you plan to transfer, and by your school’s priority Financial Aid deadline. List all the schools to which you will be applying.
    • Seek out scholarships, particularly for schools and majors where you will apply. Other places to look include and NSC’s Scholarships page. If recommendation letters or forms are needed, give recommenders one to two months’ notice.
  1. Stay on track with your Educational Plan:
    • Make an appointment with your advisor to check that you will graduate when planned, and that all prerequisites for your major are included in your plan.
  2. Begin your four-year college applications:
    • Start the application process for each school, becoming familiar with the online forms and supporting information needed. Request letters of recommendation if needed, giving at least one month’s notice.
    • Begin your personal statement and short question answers for each application. Attend a personal statement workshop and request help reviewing your draft from The Page One Writing & Language Center.
    • Request official transcripts from all colleges attended, and high school transcripts and test scores if needed.
    • Ask about possible application fee waivers. Some colleges grant waivers just for earning a transfer degree, others have a petition process based on financial hardship.
    • Please note: International and Running Start students may have different deadlines and application processes.
  1. Keep up with deadlines: Meet final application deadlines, and look for deadlines regarding acceptance of admission, tuition deposits and housing requests. Late applications or responses are not accepted!
  2. Apply for your degree in ctcLink at the beginning of your final quarter at North. Reach out to your advisor with any questions.
  3. Transfer your final credits and register for classes:
    • Send official transcripts after your final quarter. This second official transcript will transfer the final credits you completed and show that you earned your transfer degree.
    • Attend orientation at your new college. Tip: Choose the earliest date possible, as you will register for classes at orientation.
    • Connect with helpful offices at your new school, such as Disability Services, Veteran’s Affairs or a Transfer Welcome Center. Look for housing and work on your new campus.