Current Classes

Explore course options. See North's class schedule and select BIOL.

Suggestions for Choosing the Right Biology Course at North 

Biology 100, 128, 160 and 211 fulfill the same Natural World and Natural World Lab Science requirements and are transfer classes.

Biology 100 (Biol&100) Survey of Biology (with lab)

  • Meets science-with-lab distribution.
  • Survey of biology for non-science majors.
  • This class is for those with no biology or science background (or those returning to school after many years).
  • The focus of Biology 100 varies with faculty. Some focus on biological principles, concepts or application of biology to problems of society; some emphasize human health and disease.

Biology 128 (Biol 128) Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology (with lab)

  • General biology for non-biology majors and for students interested in the allied health fields.
  • More challenging than Biology 100, this course is meant for students following an Allied Health pathway or for those preparing to take Biology 241 (Human A & P 1) and 242 (Human A & P 2). Note: You still need Biology 160 for the Biol 241 prerequisite.

For some students in the Allied Health pathway, BIOL128 may or may not fulfill the A&P course requirement. Please confirm with the programs you are interested in applying whether BIOL128 meets their requirements for admission.

  • The course is also suitable for students with previous (high school) biology who want a greater challenge than Biology 100 and who are especially interested in learning more about the human body.

Biology 160 (Biol&160) General Biology (with lab)

  • General biology for non-biology majors, geared toward students going into the allied health fields, such as nursing. The nanotechnology program also requires either Biology 160 or Biology 211.
  • More challenging than Biology 100, this course is a rigorous prerequisite for those planning to take Biology 241 (Human A & P 1) and 242 (Human A & P 2).
  • The class may be suitable for students with previous biology, who want a greater challenge than Biology 100 to meet their science-with-lab distribution requirement. The class has an emphasis on cellular biology and the chemistry of life.

Biology Majors Series (Biol&211 Cellular, Biol&212 Animal, Biol&213 Plant and Ecology)

  • Requires one quarter of college chemistry as a prerequisite.
  • Biology 211 can be used as a prerequisite for Biology 241.
  • Biology 211 is Cell Biology—the first class in a three-quarter series for biology majors. The class prepares you for advanced study in all biological fields as well as medical and veterinary medicine and professional programs such as physical therapy and pharmacy. The nanotechnology program also requires either Biology 160 or Biology 211.
  • Biology 212 and 213 do not need to be taken in order at North (as long as Biology 211 is completed with a 2.0 or higher grade).
  • Biology 160 is not a prerequisite for this course.

NOTE: For many schools (including UW), this series transfers as a completed biology majors series only if all three classes are completed within the Seattle Colleges.

Biology 260 Microbiology (Biol&260)

  • Prerequisite is two college-level biology and/or chemistry lab courses with a 2.0 or better.
  • ENGL& 101 eligibility.
  • It is suggested that students complete Biology 241 and 242 before taking Microbiology.