Terms Defined:
Committee: NSC’s committees are typically made up of people representing different interests—faculty, student, staff, and/or administration. Committees serve long term with different members rotating in and out, and each committee defines its own leadership structure. Committees aid in the effective operation of North by studying various issues and recommending changes to, or institution of, policies and procedures. Committees most often confer for the academic year though ad hoc committees or task forces may be developed and appointed at any time by the President and can exist beyond the academic year and are comprised by members of North Seattle College and/or the Seattle Colleges at large.
Council: A council can be defined as a group of individuals who come together in order to make decisions, consult or to deliberate on a common objective. At NSC, a Council must be approved by the President’s cabinet and have a sponsor from the expanded cabinet. Councils can include members from outside of North Seattle College and the Seattle Colleges as a district.
Subcommittee: A number of people from a committee (ie, a small group of people who represent a larger committee—can sometimes include members from outside the sponsoring committee) tasked to study and report on a particular subject area.
Task Force: Task forces are created on an “as needed” basis. Generally, a task force is comprised of people selected for their individual skills as it relates to its objective. Task Forces generally tend to follow a given timeline.
Employee groups interested in applying for Committee, Council or Task Force status may submit their application to the President’s Cabinet by completing the form at this link: The President’s Office will follow-up with you via email to arrange a first reading of your application with President’s Cabinet and to guide you through additional steps of the process.
Committee, Subcommittee, Council, or Task Force | Purpose | Sponsoring Unit and/or Chair | Membership & Meeting Schedule |
AFT Faculty Senate | The AFT represents higher education faculty (including both full- and part-time), professional staff and graduate employees, in all sectors of higher education. The AFT Faculty Senate is North’s representing body. |
Art Council | The Art Council raises awareness of Art on campus and, in doing so, prioritizes activities that work toward sustaining a diverse and environmentally aware community. |
Assessment Committee | The North Seattle Assessment Committee (NSAC) serves as a central reflective space where the instructional assessment committee members collect, synthesize, and disseminate information to the college and the VP of instruction for future actions regarding student learning and instructional assessment. In 2023-2024, NSAC will focus on developing a Data Justice approach to instructional assessment and the Teaching Improvement Practice collecting of data and report. |
Basic Needs Subcommittee | The purpose of this subcommittee is to connect the campus community to and educating on the use of basic needs resources (Pilot in Starfish, using current resources, serving as a connection point), Evaluate & sustain current resources and creating new basic needs resources for students, and develop Infrastructure and communication – especially self-referrals, working through our systems for assistance requests, and communicating available resources to students and staff. |
Coding Subcommittee | The Guiding Teams’ Coding Subcommittee is intended to ensure subplans are deployed successfully and any improvements to the coding process are made. The coding subcommittee of Guiding Team is charged with: (1) Ensuring the new coding process is working for all departments involved. (2) Making incremental improvements to coding. (3) Tracking subplans |
College Council | The role of the College Council is to ensure that all members of the campus community are given a voice in the decision-making processes of the college through representation. The College Council, on behalf of the college community, shall advise the President on matters vital to the mission fulfillment and objectives of North Seattle College. |
Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee (CAS) | CAS serves as the college governance committee responsible for curriculum and academic standards. Yes, this means that if you, as a faculty member, want to add or modify a course or degree or certificate, this is the committee whose approval you need. CAS meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, as needed to carry out its duties. |
Development Day Program Planning Process Task Force | The Development Day Program Planning Process Task Force, a working group under the rubric of the Teaching and Learning Center and chaired by the TLC unit administrator, holds the frame for the process by which programming is planned and scheduled for the quarterly development day. |
First Year Experience Subcommittee | This subcommittee of Guiding Teams seeks to support and create recommendations for a comprehensive first year experience that is based in research, data, and student voice. This year, seeks to provide feedback on training materials for FYE class; create student surveys/focus groups for students participating in FYE class; create plan for FYE beyond FYE course. |
Global Studies Subcommittee | The Global Studies subcommittee is a subcommittee of the CAS charged with providing guidance and support to faculty who wish to apply for GS-designation for a course or who wish to incorporate GS outcomes into their instruction. |
Guiding Team | The group serves two purposes: being the oversight committee for the Title III grant and providing leadership and direction for Seattle Guided Pathways work. |
Health & Safety Committee | North Seattle College has a safety committee that meets monthly to identify safety issues, develop solutions, review incident reports, maintain a safety bulletin board, and evaluate the effectiveness of the safety program. |
Human Subjects Review Committee | The Human Subjects Review Committee is dedicated to the ethical treatment of participants in research at North Seattle College. The HSRC reviews any research working with human participants at the college to determine whether that research meets ethical guidelines in protection of those participants. The primary responsibilities of the Human Subjects Review Committee include: |
Instructional Council Advisory Committee | Provides leadership to the college on all instructional areas including transfer, professional technical and basic skills programs. In addition to the academic deans, other members of the Council represent expertise in technology, e-learning, student services, and several relevant units outside instruction. The focus is instruction more broadly and includes continuing education. |
Instructional Support Program Review Committee | This Committee consists of faculty leaders of CAS, NSAC, and PR to share faculty views on policies and procedures with the Vice President of Instruction. |
Intake and Onboarding Subcommittee | Subcommittee of Guiding Team that supports the Launch Pad by 1. Identify and resolve barriers to the student entry and funding process. 2. Use student voice and data for continuous improvement. |
Integrated Studies Committee | The IS Committee, a subcommittee of CAS, oversees North’s Integrated Studies Program; this includes approving new programs, promoting interdisciplinary teaching and learning, mentoring interested faculty, and creating the yearly schedule of program offerings. |
Leadership Team | NSC’s Division heads, Directors, Deans, and other campus leaders join the cabinet regularly for agenda topics such as professional development, reports and updates, major campus activities and events, actions and decisions impacting the entire campus, communications, and other business. |
Major Events Committee | North’s Major Events Committee coordinates the room reservations and set-up, IT/Media, communications, parking and security needs of high-volume events for both internal and external constituents to support successful community events, revenue generation, and cross-department collaboration. This is the team that coordinates with district for districtwide events held at North. |
For Major Events Best Practices, please visit: |
Math DSP Subcommittee | The goal of this Guided Pathways Subcommittee is to make continuous improvements and review data for math DSP. Goals for 2023-2024 are to help with math placement dashboard as needed by IR/IE; ensure math placement coding is up-to-date; conduct surveys/review student data for continued improvement; work across district; communicate and gather feedback on how the math DSP affects different programs on campus |
Placement Subcommittee | The purpose of the subcommittee is to ensure a smooth placement process for students and use data and student feedback to revise any placement process. |
President’s Cabinet | NSC’s senior leadership team that meets weekly with the president. The president, senior leadership team, the president’s executive assistant and, on some occasions, guests reporting on major projects and initiatives attend cabinet meetings. In this realm, the senior administrators concentrate on the best interests of the entire institution and the people it serves. |
Program Mapping Subcommittee | The program mapping subcommittee of Guiding Teams is responsible for making sure all pathways have a dynamic web based map on the website and a robust review process. These maps should have both student and employee feedback. In addition, these maps should feed into an exploratory experiences website that help students narrow down their focus on what they want to study. |
Program Review Committee | The Program Review Committee provides oversight and peer review of the instructional program review process. |
Research and Data Subcommittee | The purpose of the research and data subcommittee is to provide the campus community with additional data and ways to access data to lead to data informed decision making at all levels. The charge for 2023-2024 is to: |
STARS Committee | STARS is an authorized, representative committee of Classified Staff which acts as a liaison between Classified staff and the college President, and as a conduit between Classified Staff and representatives to college shared governance committees and other college committees. |
Strategic Enrollment Management Council (SEM) | The purpose of this subcommittee is to create a plan and actionable steps for interventions in Strategic Courses; then identify a way to assess the intervention process, implement assessment, and begin to assess the effectiveness of the interventions. |
Student Services Council (SSC) | Student Services Council is the administrative leadership team responsible for designing programs and delivering high quality and equitable accessible services that support North Seattle College’s mission of advancing student success, excelling in teaching and learning, and building a sustainable community. |
TLC TAC | The Teaching and Learning Center technical advisory committee (TLC TAC) serves as a conduit between faculty and staff development needs and the TLC by providing feedback to the TLC staff and administrator on the TLC mission and projects, offering input on staff and faculty needs, and advice on best practices towards meeting those needs. |
U.S. Cultures Committee | US Cultures Subcommittee is a subcommittee of CAS charged with providing support and guidance in meeting US Cultures designation outcomes, evaluate whether courses completed by students at other institutions meet US Cultures outcomes, evaluate new course applications to receive the US Cultures designation, and provide guidance on US Cultures outcomes and how they are meeting the needs of our programs and students. |
Unit Administrators Committee | UA Group focuses on instruction issues with a specific focus on the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). This group is essentially for the credit side of the house. |
Visibility Community Council | (VisCoCo) promotes the visibility of North Seattle College by collaborating with the community and taking actions to live into our values of equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging and community. |
Latine Mural![]() James Baldwin Mural![]() Multigenerational Mural![]() |