Provides leadership to the college on all instructional areas including transfer, professional technical and basic skills programs. In addition to the academic deans, other members of the Council represent expertise in technology, e-learning, student services, and several relevant units outside instruction. The focus is instruction more broadly and includes continuing education.
Membership & Meeting Schedule
- Comprises VPI and representatives from several relevant units outside of instruction.
- Current members include:
Peter Lortz, Brian Paler, Melana Yanos, Alissa Agnello, Dan Tarker, Curtis Bonney, William White, Aimee Brown, Myra Kaha, Kathy Rhodes, Mel Corning, Rebecca Brown (represenating e-Learning), Melody McCMillan, Alice Melling, Jeanette Miller, Molly Brown, and Cooper Seally. - Meets 2nd Wednesdays each month.
- **IC and SSC meet the 4th Wednesday of each month.
- Sponsoring Unit: Instruction
- Chair, Vice President of Instruction Peter Lortz
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