
The purpose of this subcommittee is to connect the campus community to and educating on the use of basic needs resources (Pilot in Starfish, using current resources, serving as a connection point), Evaluate & sustain current resources and creating new basic needs resources for students, and develop Infrastructure and communication – especially self-referrals, working through our systems for assistance requests, and communicating available resources to students and staff. The charge for 2023-2024 is to put together a marketing package for basic needs across the college and create a basic needs blurb in the syllabus.

Membership & Meeting Schedule
  • Members include Guiding Team members and anyone from the community who is interested.
    Members: Nakamichi, Jeanette Miller, Megan Bloomingdale, Shan Lackey, Kathleen Cromp, Tomoko Okada, Jordan Veniegas, Laura Lubash, Lareina Redwoman, Shannon Thomas, Galila Getahun
  • Meets every other Thursday from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
  • Sponsoring Unit: Guiding Team
  • Leads: Maura Nakamichi (Manager, Benefits Hub) and Jeanette Miller (Dean, Student Leadership)