Academic Accommodations

Testing Accommodations

Scheduling an exam

  • Fill out the exam scheduling form at least five (5) school days before the exam to utilize on-campus testing in the Testing Center. Requests submitted later than 5 school days may not be able to be accommodated.
  • Upon receiving your form, the Testing Center will coordinate your exam needs with your instructor and the Testing Center. Please make sure to closely monitor your email for any time sensitive emails that the Testing Center might send to you.
  • The Testing Center will send a meeting invitation to the student and instructor. Each person will need to accept the meeting invitation for the exam to be scheduled.
  • Monday test appointments must be scheduled the previous Monday or no later than the Wednesday before. Requests placed over the weekend may not be granted. 
  • Tests must be started early enough to be finished by 3:45 p.m. accounting for accommodations.
  • Tests must start and end on the same day.
  • Bring a Photo ID to enter the Testing Center each time you test.

Testing Center Hours

Monday–Thursday: 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday–Sunday: Closed

Testing Center Location

CC 2459C

Alternate Format Materials (E-text, Enlarged or Braille Materials)

  1. Purchase textbook. The publisher requires the textbook be purchased before they will provide our office with an accessible digital version.
  2. Provide the DS Office with a copy of the receipt for the purchase.
  3. Allow a two to six week lead-time to receive materials.
  4. Student is responsible to download the text. All books will be deleted from the folder at the end of the quarter.
  5. Enlarged or brailed texts will be made available upon request.
  6. Please notify the DS office of schedule changes, or materials no longer needed.

Please note, this can take up to several weeks to coordinate. Students should always contact us as soon as possible to get this accommodation started. The earlier we know what you need, the closer to the start of the term you’ll receive your materials. Our office has the ability to network with faculty to try and get as many class resources ahead of time so that they are ready when you need them throughout the class, but we can’t if we don’t know what you need, so make sure you’re communicating early and often with our office.


Students must request ASL accommodations by submitting the online form below.
Please note:  

  1. Interpreting and transcribing services require a 4 week notice for ongoing assignments (I.e., your classes). Less notice may mean services will not be available when requested.
  2. Inform the DS office and your interpreters or transcribers if you will be absent from class.
  3. If you are late for class, interpreters/transcribers will wait 20 minutes for classes less than 1 ½  hours long and 30 minutes for classes over 1 ½  hours. NOTE: Repeated “no-shows” may result in a suspension of interpreting and/or transcribing services. To reinstate services, you must schedule a meeting with the Director of DS.  
  4. Interpreting/transcribing services may be requested for any college activity or function.  Inform DS Office of event and allow a minimum of 5 days for services to be set in place. Less notice may mean an interpreter or transcriber will not be available.
  5. Inform the DS Office of any problems with provided services.
  6. Notify the DS Office of any schedule changes.
  7. If you are unable to attend class, inform DS immediately so communication access services can be canceled for that class.


Once identified as a need and approved by DS, students interested in note-taking services will alert the DS Director of the classes they require note-taking for and will indicate whether they prefer this accommodation be confidential (i.e., weekly notes received through the DS Office) or non-confidential (i.e., daily notes received directly from the volunteer notetaker, typically after class).

Once preference is confirmed, DS will request for volunteer notetakers based on the class roster and GPA.  If DS is unable to find a volunteer, we may ask the instructor to see if they are able to find a notetaker.

Requests for volunteer notetakers should be submitted 2-3 weeks prior to the start of the quarter. Switching sections or making other schedule changes may cause delays service. Students should inform Disability Services immediately when such changes arise. In the event a volunteer is not found, students are encouraged to ask a friend or classmate to exchange notes.

Permission to Audio Record

Some students may be granted permission to audio record class lectures as an accommodation. Students with this accommodation may use their own recording device or check one out temporarily at Disability Services. Students planning on audio recording class lectures are encouraged to communicate this with their faculty prior to recording.

Procedure for Checking Out Equipment

Equipment is allowed to be checked out every quarter (e.g., digital voice recorder, mice alternatives, text magnifiers, et cetera). Students must complete an Equipment Loan Agreement. Students are responsible to keep equipment in good working condition. If an item breaks or no longer works it is the students’ responsibility to inform the DSS staff as soon as possible so that an item may be repaired and/or replaced. Per the Equipment Loan Agreement, students who don’t return equipment will have a hold placed on their school account.

Problems with equipment or technology should be immediately reported to the DSS office by the student using the equipment.