Lending Policy
SMC Lending Policy
The SMC provides media equipment for checkout to all currently enrolled North Seattle College (NSC) students. Cameras and other media equipment may only be checked out during the quarter in which the student is actively registered, and may not be checked out over quarter breaks. To ensure students have fair access to SMC resources, each student can only check out or have a maximum of two equipment sets at a time, and those two sets of equipment cannot be in the same category. The last day to accept equipment requests is the Wednesday before the final week of each quarter unless otherwise specified.
Throughout the loan period, the borrower shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the equipment and shall be liable to North Seattle College for all loss of or damage to the equipment however caused. The borrower shall notify North Seattle College of any loss of or damage to any equipment immediately upon such loss or damage is sustained.
During any period in which the borrower has not already paid North Seattle College the cost of Library overdue fees or tuition payments, and until such time as payment shall be made to North Seattle College, no additional equipment may be checked out under any circumstances.
At the discretion of North Seattle College, the borrower may be required to pay North Seattle College compensation for the loss of use of the equipment lost or damaged at a rate determined by SMC.
Media equipment lending contract must be completed prior to checking out materials.
Return Policy
Media equipment items have a 7-day checkout period unless otherwise specified. All items must be returned to the SMC during business/open hours. Please be sure to return all of the cords, cables, chargers, and cases that came with the equipment you checked out. The equipment will not be checked in until all pieces are present. You will be responsible for any replacement fines incurred until the return is complete.
Students may get a notice/reminder from the SMC circulation services via email when the items are due back. It is the students' responsibility to keep contact information current. Failure to respond and/or late returns may result in equipment lost status and replacement fees. All overdue items will be placed on the students' records. The students' library accounts may be blocked. The replacement fees may be sent to collections. The North Seattle College or its authorized representative may also file a student conduct complaint against any students with lost items and replacement fees. The SMC reserves the right to review this policy on a case-by-case basis.
SMC equipment items must be returned in person. Please present your photo ID when returning. Students can return items at the following location.
- Student Media Center: All items must be returned to SMC staff during open hours. Please check SMC hours or contact SMC staff at nscmediacenter@seattlecolleges.edu.
For late equipment returns, please make an appointment with SMC staff via email. All overdue items and fines will stay on the student’s records during the SMC closure and until the late items and all components are returned in good condition.
Note: All SMC services are closed during quarter breaks, and SMC staff cannot accept equipment returns during the breaks.
The borrower is responsible for repair fees and replacement fees. All overdue items may result in lost status and replacement fees. Replacement costs for all items are the cost of the item itself plus a $25 processing fee. Your library account may be blocked if you do not pay any fines and fees listed.
Please be careful about your privacy when borrowing this equipment or using SMC computers. Digital cameras will not automatically delete images. Before returning the camera, please clear all images.
The SMC/NSC Library is not responsible for saving or deleting images left on camera memory; it is your responsibility to clear all images from the card before it is returned. NSC is not liable for any problems resulting from your failure to delete images from storage media.
Hold Harmless Agreement
The borrower is responsible for the safety and condition of the equipment from the time the equipment is released to them. The borrower is responsible for any images or audio created while using the equipment. North Seattle College is not responsible for the content created by the borrower.
The borrower shall at all times hold fully harmless North Seattle College, its employees, approved representatives, and agents against all actions, costs, claims, demands, legal proceedings, or liabilities arising from or in connection with equipment, materials, or any other services supplied to the borrower by North Seattle College.
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