List of Courses

Ballard High School

HIST& 148 – US History III
Covers an era of conflict, war, uncertain peace, depression and great social changes. Emphasizes historical, economic, social, racial, and political events that have formed the modern U.S.

The Center School

AME 151 – Ethnic Studies: Identities, Solidarity, & Power 
Introduces students to the historical and contemporary social forces and power dynamics that construct racial & ethnic identities in the US. Students will learn how colonialism, capitalism, & Empire impact racial/ethnic communities. Students also consider how race & ethnicity intersect with other identities such as class, gender, sexuality, nationality, & ability. Maps out issues in land and labor rights, immigration, education, and popular culture.

Nathan Hale High School

ENGL& 101 – English Composition I 
English 101 is a college-level writing course that emphasizes academic writing and major strategies of reading and writing analytically. Writing assignments focus on engaging with strategies and responding to a variety of texts. Instruction encourages students to develop, through revision and reflection, as readers, writers, and critical thinkers. Prerequisite: eligibility for ENGL& 101.

JAPN& 121 – Japanese I 
For students who have not previously studied Japanese. Intro to Japanese conversation, grammar, culture, and the Japanese Hiragana & Katakana writing systems.

JAPN&122 – Japanese II 
Continuation of JAPN& 121. Includes development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Introduces the Kanji (Chinese character) writing.

MATH& 151 – Calculus I
The sequence MATH& 151, &152 and &153 covers limits, differential calculus and its applications, integral calculus and its applications, intro to differential equations, series (including Taylor series), vector geometry in three dimensions, multivariable calculus, partial differentiation, double integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates, and applications.

Lincoln High School

ENGL& 101 – English Composition I 
English 101 is a college-level writing course that emphasizes academic writing and major strategies of reading and writing analytically. Writing assignments focus on engaging with strategies and responding to a variety of texts. Instruction encourages students to develop, through revision and reflection, as readers, writers, and critical thinkers. Prerequisite: eligibility for ENGL& 101.

ENGL& 111 – Introduction to Literature 
Study and analysis of fiction, poetry, and drama with emphasis on understanding the art and techniques of each genre. Prerequisite: eligible for ENGL 99.

West Seattle High School

ENGL& 101 – English Composition I 
English 101 is a college-level writing course that emphasizes academic writing and major strategies of reading and writing analytically. Writing assignments focus on engaging with strategies and responding to a variety of texts. Instruction encourages students to develop, through revision and reflection, as readers, writers, and critical thinkers. Prerequisite: eligibility for ENGL& 101.

Mercer Island High School

ENGL 151 – Creative Writing 
Creative writing with focus on development of language, imagery, style, voice, and emphasis on techniques. Prerequisites: ENGL& 101 or permission.

HUM 110 – Introduction to American Film
Examines Hollywood filmmaking as an art form, a business, and a shaper of culture. View, discuss, and critically analyze classics, features, and documentaries for increased understanding of literary and artistic elements. Covers the impact of films on person experience, American culture, and the world.

Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center

Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship Cohort

PTAP 115 – Orientation to Pharmacy Practice
Introduction to pharmacy technician as a career. Includes topics such as the history of pharmacy, pharmacy information resources and drug distribution control.

PTAP 117 – Medical Terminology Part 1
This course covers the terminology surrounding anatomy, physiology, pathology, tests, and treatments, organized by body systems. The student will learn basic medical word structure and language. An overview of the body including cavities and regions, anatomical planes and directional terms, divisions of the spine, and individual body systems.

PTAP 118 – Medical Terminology Part 2
This is a continuation courser that covers the terminology surrounding anatomy, physiology, pathology, tests, and treatments, organized by body systems. The student will learn basic medical word structure and language. An overview of the body including cavities and regions, anatomical planes and directional terms, divisions of the spine, and individual body systems. Prerequisite: Admission into PTAP

PTAP 120 – Pharmacy Calculations Part 1
Introduction to pharmacy practice-related mathematical calculations. Covers calculations related to prescription interpretation, reading drug labels, compounded orders and percentage based calculations.

PTAP 121 – Pharmacy Calculations Part 2
Introduction to hospital and compounding pharmacy practice-related mathematical calculations. Covers calculations related to parenteral dose calculations, interpretation of percentage and ratio strengths, calculation of infusion and flow rates and calculation of dilutions and mixture compounds.

PTAP 130 – Over the Counter Drugs
This course covers the use of self treatment non-prescription drugs for the most common symptoms presented at the pharmacy. Also introduces the basic questions to ask consumers which will help the pharmacist determine whether self-treatment is indicated or additional medical care is indicated.

PTAP 140 – Sterile Products and Aseptic I
This course covers aseptic technique in preparing sterile solutions and pharmaceuticals. Also covers proper laminar flow hood usage and introduces proper equipment, techniques and calculations for intravenous fluids and intravenous dosage medications.

PTAP 141 – Sterile Products and Aseptic II
Continuation of PTAP 140. Focus is on the preparation of cardiac and other titratable drips, IV antibiotics, chemotherapy, IVPs and TPNs.

PTAP 146 – Communications in Pharmacy Practice
This course will cover essential communication skills necessary in a pharmacy environment. Communication modes such as verbal, non-verbal and written will be practiced in the context of a pharmacy with an emphasis on special populations such as the elderly, disabled, and multiple comorbidity patients.

PTAP 150 – Pharmacology Part 1
Introduction to pharmacology including basic pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and mechanisms of drug interactions. Covers basic mechanism of actions of medication classes: anti-infectives, cardiovascular medications, respiratory medications and dermatologic medications.

PTAP 151 – Pharmacology Part 2
This is a continuation of PTAP 150 Pharmacology Part 1. Covers basic mechanism of actions of medication classes: gastrointestinal, endocrine, skeletal and muscular, neurological and psychiatric medications.

PTAP 160 – Pharmacy Tech I
This course covers the use of computers in pharmacy, current practice applications, and future trends. Legal and ethical issues surrounding information collection and retrieval along with good practices will also be addressed.

PTAP 161 – Pharmacy Tech II
This is a continuation course covers the use of computers in pharmacy, current practice applications, and future trends. Advanced prescription processing technology skills will be covered in this course.

PTAP 170 – Pharmacy Records Management
General overview of skills required to work in a retail pharmacy (ambulatory care). Introduces the skills to interpret prescriptions, such as Latin abbreviations, the top 100 drugs, apothecary symbols, inventory control and record keeping.

PTAP 180 – Healthcare Systems Third Party & Billing
Introduction to healthcare systems, pharmacy billing, and the contractual relationships between pharmacies, manufacturers, and wholesalers. Course covers the basics of US healthcare, insurance overview, and current billing practices.

PTAP 185 – Pharmacy Laws/Ethics
Pharmacy Law and Ethics covers the federal and state laws governing pharmacy practice and the commonly encountered ethical dilemmas in the field of pharmacy. Introduces ethical standards and practical problem-solving solutions that are utilized in the pharmacy.

PTAP 191 – National Exam Prep
This course will review topics covered on the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board national exam and emphasize basic test preparation and test-taking skills.