Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET)

Current students: Please register now and complete a Quarterly Enrollment Form (QEF) for Spring 2025!

The QEF for Spring 2025 is for students that received Workforce Education funding or support services for Winter 2025. The QEF Spring 2025 priority deadline is March 28, 2025, 12 a.m. PST. Submitting the QEF after the priority deadline will result in delayed funding. Failure to submit a QEF will result in you not receiving funding and being financially responsible for your tuition and fees.

The Basic Food Employment and Training program provides tuition, fees, required textbook and transportation funding for recipients of federal food assistance (Basic Food or SNAP) to  increase employment opportunities. In order to qualify for the BFET program, you must enroll in an eligible training program and meet the eligibility criteria.

Do I qualify for BFET?

  • You receive federal food assistance known as Basic Food or SNAP from DSHS and do not receive cash assistance know as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) from DSHS
    • Your Basic Food / SNAP must be open on the first day of the quarter for you to receive funding for that quarter
  • You are able to work and intend to obtain employment after completing your academic program.
    • You understand that you will need to complete an Individual Employment Plan (IEP) annually or as needed to remain current while enrolled in BFET
  • You understand that you will need to submit monthly BFET participation forms

How do I apply for the BFET program?

  1. Take the Start Next Quarter survey to check your funding eligibility; the survey is not an application for funding.
  2. If eligible for funding, you should receive a Results page that lists the funding program(s) for which you may qualify. Click the ‘GO’ button to be directed to the Attend a Workshop page.
  3. On the Attend a Workshop page, enter your contact information then click the ‘GO’ button to be directed to the Get in Touch page.
  4. The Get in Touch page includes information for the Workforce Education Application and link; click on the link to open the application.
  5. Complete and submit the North Seattle College Workforce Education Application. You should receive a confirmation email upon submission.
  6. The confirmation email also includes information about our review process and additional enrollment steps you can take while you await your eligibility email. If you cannot find a confirmation email, make sure to check your junk/spam and if needed update your email settings to prevent emails from us at going to your junk/spam.

BFET General Questions

There are two types of food assistance: federal food assistance and state food assistance. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or the Basic Food/Basic Food Assistance (BFA) program is the federal food assistance program; BFET eligibility requires receiving federal food assistance. The State Food Assistance Program (FAP) is the state food assistance program.

You can only receive BFET funding at one school at a time. If you are planning to transfer to North from another school, please talk to your current BFET representative to let them know that you plan to transfer so they can close your BFET, as well as contacting the BFET Specialist at North to determine your next steps for enrollment into that BFET program.

Yes. BFET can help you keep your food assistance open. It may also help with funding gaps. For example, financial aid may have awarded you enough money to pay for tuition but not enough to cover textbooks and a bus pass. BFET may be able to help pay for your required textbooks and transportation – therefore filling that funding gap.

Questions? Please contact BFET Specialist:

Hayley Smith
(206) 934-6101

*Please include your first and last name, phone number and ctcLink ID number (EMPLID) when leaving an email or voicemail message.

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