
  1. You must present a valid photo ID and your ctcLink or member identification number upon entering the Wellness Center or access will be denied.
  2. You must have a signed 'Assumption of Risks/Release of Liability and User Agreement' form on file with the College prior to using the facility.
  3. You must have a signed copy of this Agreement on file with the College prior to using the facility.
  4. Your membership must be current or access will be denied.
  5. You are responsible for the provision of your own medical insurance and are not covered by the State of Washington, the Seattle Colleges, North Seattle College or any of its agents or employees for injuries sustained while using the Wellness Center or participating in an activity at the Wellness Center,
  6. Individuals under the age of 18 are not allowed to use the facility unless they are a student enrolled in a North Seattle College program or participate in a special event (basketball tournament, sports clinics, etc.).
  7. Each member who is less than 18 years of age and uses the facility must have a parent or guardian's signature on the 'Assumption of Risks' form.
  8. You must abide by the following locker policies:
    1. lockers may be rented starting the first day of each quarter and must be cleaned out by the last day of the quarter.
    2. Issued locks are to remain on the lockers at all time. Any lost/misplaced locks will be assessed a $5 fee.
    3. North Seattle College, the Wellness Center and the Wellness Center Staff do not assume responsibility for any lost or stolen items.
    4. Items may be reclaimed by showing valid photo ID and describing the items.
  9. You understand that threatening the staff in any manner, engaging in behavior that poses an immediate threat to the health, safety or welfare of yourself or others, or that poses an immediate threat to substantial disruption of college activities, or engaging in conduct that violates any provision of the Student Conduct Code, WAC 132F-121-110 may result in immediate removal from the facility and referral to the Student Conduct Officer for disciplinary action, which may result in imposition of a disciplinary sanction up to and including dismissal from the college.
  10. All members agree to treat the staff and other members with respect.
  11. All members agree to treat the equipment and facilities with respect and understand that willful destruction of school property is a violation of the Student Conduct Code that may result in the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, up to and including dismissal from the College.
  12. Personal training and other outside services are not allowed, except by Fitness Center Specialists.
  13. If an individual refuses to show proper identification and proceeds into the Center, staff are required to call Security & may surrender all rights for use.
  14. The Roy Flores Wellness Center is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  15. Cellular phones and other mobile devices may not be used in photographic or video mode in any locker room or other private area, such as the dance studios or weight room.
  16. Professional & personal photography and video recording on the premises is not allowed without prior consent of the Director. You must have consent to photograph any other individual in the Center. No photography or cameras of any kind are allowed in any locker room or other private area, such as the dance studios or weight room.
  17. Service animals only.
  18. You may not use, possess, or sell any illegal drug on the premises, including, but not limited to anabolic steroids or other growth-enhancing substances. You also may not consume alcohol or smoke, chew, marijuana or use any other tobacco or electronic cigarette products anywhere on the campus premises.
  19. Verbal or physical intimidation, harassment, or abuse will result in expulsion from the Roy Flores Wellness Center.
  20. Flores Wellness Center is a fragrance-free environment.