
Welcome to the  
Student Learning Center

SLC Employment & Faculty Resources

Faculty Resources

The Student Learning Center (SLC) strives to assist faculty by collaborating to promote student success and retention. As you will see, there are a number of ways tutors and faculty can work together to make sure our students learn about and use the variety of educational services in the SLC effectively to enhance their performance in class.

Marketing with Class Visits and Student Learning Center Orientations

According to our student satisfaction surveys, instructors play a huge role in getting the word out about the Student Learning Center to students. At least 80% of students report they first heard about the SLC from an instructor or fellow student. Therefore, we do need your help with spreading the word about our services. And the best way you can do this is by either inviting one of our tutors to your class to talk about the SLC or by bringing your class to the center for an orientation. To schedule either one of these informative visits, please email the SLC Director, Lyall at: lyall.rudenskjold@seattlecolleges.edu 

Referral Form

Many instructors like to send students to the SLC with specific directions about what they want them to study. By using this referral form, you will not only be able to give the tutor guidance about what to focus on with the student, but the tutor will also provide you feedback about how the session went.

SLC Reserving Group Study Rooms

Students are welcome to use the SLC main room as a study space during our open hours (M-Th, 9am- 5pm). Simply walk in and choose a table and/or computer. Students may borrow webcams, headphones, tablets, happy lights, and other equipment to study with while using the space. 

In addition, we have smaller breakout rooms, a classroom-sized seminar room, and a classroom computer lab for drop-ins and reservations by Faculty. To reserve any of these individual rooms, you can drop-in during our opening hours, or email the Program Manager Jax at Jax.Mello@seattlecolleges.edu 


Applying to be a Tutor in the Student Learning Center


Interested in working or volunteering as a tutor or tutor navigator in the Student Learning Center? Please examine the following SLC job descriptions to see if helping students improve their learning through one-on-one and group tutoring sessions would be a good fit.

One-on-one tutor job description:

Tutor navigator job description:

Application Process

In order to apply, please submit the following four items to the appropriate SLC coordinator below.

  • A cover letter explaining your interest in the position
  • A resume highlighting skills appropriate for the job
  • A transcript showing that you received a 3.0 or above in the subject that you want to tutor
  • A reference from someone who can speak to your competence in the subject area and level of professionalism.
    • Students need to provide a reference from a faculty member at the college who can endorse your ability to tutor the subject. Non- students should provide a reference who can speak to your professionalism.

SLC Hiring Contacts

Please submit your application to the appropriate SLC coordinator below.

Accounting and Business Learning Center

Subjects: Accounting, Business, Economics, Computer Software, Information Technology, and Medical Terminology

ABLC Coordinator: 
Alif Laila Tisha (Tish) 


Biology and Chemistry Lab & Tutor Navigators

Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, and Human Anatomy 
Bio/Chem Lab Coordinator: 
Heidi Iverson – Math and Science Division 


Math and Science Learning Center

Subjects: Math, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, and Statistics. 
MSLC Coordinator:

Ellen Yanny – Assistant Math Lab Coordinator 


Page One Writing & Language Center

Subjects: English & ESL 
Page One Coordinators: 

Tracy Heinlein - English faculty 

Betsy Berger - ESL Faculty


World Languages

Subjects: American Sign Language, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. 
World Languages Coordinator: 
Cristina Zahajko - Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Division 


Greeters, General Computer Tutors, and Marketing and Outreach Ambassadors

SLC Director 
Lyall Rudenskjold - Student Learning Center 

SLC Program Manager 
Jax Mello - Student Learning Center 