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Student Learning Center


Get Online Help with e-Tutoring

The Student Learning Center at North Seattle College (NSC) provides online tutoring through its partnership with the Western e-Tutoring Consortium. 

All North Seattle College students have access to the eTutoring.org website to receive free synchronous and asynchronous online tutoring.

On the 10th day of the quarter, NSC will automatically create e-Tutoring accounts for all enrolled students.

Students who wish to create an account before the 10th day of the quarter, please contact lyall.rudenskjold@seattlecolleges.edu

To access your e-Tutoring account:

  • Go to eTutoringonline.org
  • Click “Login Now” on the right side of the screen.
  • Select “Western e-Tutoring Consortium” from the menu on the left side of the screen.
  • Choose North Seattle College from the Select Your Institution Menu on the right side of the screen.
  • Enter the following in the “Login Here” box:
  • Username: NSC Student ID Number
  • Password: SUCCESS

Once you are logged into the e-Tutoring site, you can get online help in a variety of subjects.

e-Tutoring Services

Students can get assistance online in the following ways:

Online Writing Lab allows you to submit a draft of your paper to a tutor, ask for specific feedback, and receive your work back with a tutor's response within 24-48 hours. Students can also get live tutoring on their papers as well.

Live Tutoring via eChat allows you to meet with a tutor in one-on-one tutoring sessions via a fully interactive, virtual online environment. Live sessions are offered for Accounting, Calculus, Math, and Statistics.

Offline e-Questions allows you to leave a specific question for an e-Tutor, who will respond within 48 hours (but usually sooner). e-Questions may be submitted for any of the subject areas covered.

For assistance, please contact Lyall Rudenskjold at lyall.rudenskjold@seattlecolleges.edu