Computer Tutoring
Winter '25 Tutoring: January 6th - March 26th
The computer tutor can help with:
- Canvas (Please bring your ctcLink number and password with you.)
- Zoom
- Office 365 (Word.doc, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook email)
- (email) (We can help you set or reset your password.)
- Learn new things! Google (doc, photo, email, google slides…)
- For computer science tutoring, please see the Math & Science Learning Center schedule.
General Computer Tutor Schedule
For complete list of hours and locations of our Computer Tutors please visit our canvas page.
Location: 2nd Floor of Library Building at circulation desk.
Student Learning Center
Location: HSSR1636
Title III Computer Lab (First floor of College Center building)
Location: CC1353A
Online Tutoring:
The Computer Tutors can be reached via our Zoom link online. Same hours as the in-person hours above.
Zoom access is located in our Canvas shell.