Basic Needs

Housing and Rent Assistance

This page offers information about resources to help connect individuals to rental assistance and legal support for tenants, organized into the following sections:

United Way Benefits Hub

A partnership with the United Way of King County to connect students with basic need resources including housing support such as rental assistance, move-in costs, legal support for tenants, and more.  Students meet with a Benefits Hub coach through a one-on-one virtual appointment to discuss their housing needs.

NSC Housing Resource Specialist, Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness

A WA state grant provides support for students experiencing homelessness and/ or a housing crisis.  Connect with Shannon Thomas, the NSC Housing Resource Specialist, to begin a Housing Needs Assessment and discuss basic needs, locate housing support and services, and make an Individual Housing Plan.

Community Affordable Housing: Seattle has multiple non-profit community supportive affordable housing programs.

  • Explore these sites and learn about eligibility and how to get on waitlists.

Public Housing Authorities List of all Public Housing Authorities in Washington. These include Subsidized Housing, Section 8 Housing Vouchers, and Low Income Housing. 

  • Most require a waitlist. Explore by city or county and learn how to get on their waitlist. properties listed include both subsidized and non-subsidized apartment rentals, designed to help low-income families, individuals, seniors, and persons with disabilities find affordable housing

  • Housing search tools, simple explanations, easy to follow instructions, helpful information

Solid Ground Housing Resources and King County Regional Homelessness Authority Great comprehensive websites for understanding homelessness, finding housing resources and navigating rental challenges in our community.