Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does AANAPISI stand for?

It stands for Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution. It recognizes Pacific Islanders as native and indigenous group in the Pacific Islands, such as (in the U.S. Jurisdictions & Territories) Carolinian, Chamorro, Chuukese, Fijian, Guamanian, Hawaiian, Kosraean, Marshallesse, Native Hawaiian, Niuean, Palauan, Pohnpeian, Samoan, Tokelauan, Tongan, Yapese.

What is the purpose of the Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) Program?

The AANAPISI program provides discretionary grants to eligible institutions of higher education (IHEs) to enable them to improve their academic quality, increase their self-sufficiency, and strengthen their capacity to make a substantial contribution to the higher education resources of the Nation. At the time of application, IHEs applying for funds under the AANAPISI program must have an enrollment of undergraduate students that is at least 10 percent Asian American or Native American-Pacific Islander. North Seattle College received its first AANAPISI grant in 2021!

Does AANAPISI serve non-AAPI students?

Yes, we serve everyone! Our practice is to provide culturally-relevant services. Interested in joining AANAPISI? Click here!

How can I make an appointment with  the AANAPISI Navigator?

Please email AANAPISI Navigator Jordan Veniegas at

What is the Asian & Pacific Islander Center (APIC)?

The Asian & Pacific Islander Center (APIC) is a centralized gathering space where all students, particularly Asian American, Pacific Islander, and other underserved students, can connect to build community and seek academic and other support, all with a culturally-relevant approach. We are located in College Center (CC) 1360 and open Monday-Thursday from 9:00AM-5:00PM (not open on Fridays). If you have any questions, please stop and talk to a Peer Mentor or AANAPISI Staff. 

To find out more about the amenities APIC offers, please click here.

Where are AANAPISI Staff's offices?

AANAPISI  staff can be found in College Center (CC) 1260 - just a short walk down from the APIC Center! Our office is open in-person Monday-Thursday from 9:00-5:00PM and virtual/by appointment on Fridays.

What does the AANAPISI logo mean?

AANAPISI logoOur logo is inspired by the story tellers of our people, the resiliency or our communities, the expansiveness of cultures, and the healing power of our 'ike (knowledge). The Seattle College campus at South, Central, and North are represented within this image of 3 waves. The weaving movements speak of the intergenerational strengths and knowledge that has been passed down through our ancestors to help us navigate our seasons of life and the high and low tides of our voyages as we set sail.  Our logo also speaks to the connective fibers that reconnect us to our past, the intentions that root us in our present, and our abilities to re-imagine a thriving future four ourselves, families, and communities. The logo speaks to the care that our AANAPISI programs continue to weave into the lives of students, faculty, and staff as we work to amplify, uplift, empower, honor, and celebrate our Asian & Pacific Islander (A&PI) communities.

Mahalo nui to Jordan Veniegas at North Seattle College, Jeff Bermudes and Chrsitine Ma at Central Seattle College, Rachel Navarro at South Seattle College, and Ana Bungag for the care she put into visually telling a chapter of our story.