NSC Guidelines
Authority: North Seattle College
Students are recognized for outstanding academic achievements by making the Dean's List or President's List at NSC.
- Dean's List - Student must have 10 or more credits per quarter and 3.5 quarterly GPA.
- President's List - Student must have accumulated 30 or more credits at NSCC and a 3.8 or higher cumulative GPA.
- Phi Theta Kappa Honorary - Phi Theta Kappa International Honorary Society recognizes academically outstanding students at two-year public and private colleges, and is the largest honorary society in the world. Chapters at each of the Seattle Community Colleges offer students a variety of activities and benefits.
Authority: North Seattle College
NSC: Admissions/Registration - Add, Drop and Withdraw
Adding Classes:
After the initial registration, courses may be added on a space-available basis using online registration, or submit an Add/Drop form to the Registration Front Counter Services for changes.
- First through the fourth day of the quarter: classes may be added through online registration or in person WITHOUT an instructor's signature and on a space-available basis.
- From the fifth day to the tenth day of the quarter: classes may be added only with an instructor's signature - or with an email from an instructor for distance learning classes.
- After the tenth day of the quarter (the eighth day in summer quarter): students may not add classes.
Dropping Classes: Students who are dropping classes may do so using online registration or in person through the tenth instructional day (eighth day for summer) of the quarter without a record of the dropped classes appearing on the academic transcript.
Withdrawing from Classes: Students who withdraw from classes may do so using online registration or in person. A grade of "W" will be recorded on the academic transcript for withdrawals made after the tenth instructional day (the eighth day for summer) of the quarter.
After the eighth week of the quarter (the sixth week of summer quarter), students may not withdraw from classes. If you have missed the deadline, please talk with your instructor about other available grade options.
Financial Aid Recipients: Withdrawing from class may affect your financial aid eligibility. You should contact the Financial Aid Office prior to dropping any classes.
International Students: Dropping below 12 credit hours may impact your visa eligibility. Please talk with the International Programs Office prior to dropping any classes.
All Students: To avoid any potential problems in meeting your educational goals, you are strongly encouraged to meet with your instructor and an advisor before dropping any classes. All students who have registered and paid fees must officially withdraw if they wish to discontinue attendance. Failure to officially withdraw may result in a failing grade being assigned at the end of the quarter. Questions regarding withdrawal procedures can be answered at the Registration Office.
Authority: North Seattle College
Appeals must be made within one month of taking the placement test. Only one appeal is allowed per test.
For math appeals: contact the Math, Science, Social Sciences Division Office at (206) 934-3746 to schedule an appointment with a math instructor or the division dean. Bring your math placement results and picture ID with you to this appointment. You may bring a recent math textbook if you feel this will strengthen your appeal for placement in a higher level.
For English appeals: Follow the procedure below. There is a study guide for the Appeal Test available.
Cost: The current fee for the Appeal Test is available from the fees page.
The appeal must be done within one month of taking the English placement test; only one appeal is permitted.
- Go to the Cashier to pay the Appeal Test fee. Keep your receipt—you will need to take it with you to your Appeal Test.
- Schedule the Appeal Test with the Testing Center during regular Placement Testing drop-in testing hours.
- Bring your receipt, test scores, and valid picture ID to the Testing Center at your scheduled appointment.
If English is your first language, you will have one hour to complete the test. If English is not your first language, you will have 1.5 hours.
- The placement results from the Appeal Test will be available in one week. You must pick up your results from the Testing Center in person—bring valid picture ID with you.
Authority: North Seattle College
You may not attend any classes unless you have officially registered, and have paid tuition and fees. Instructors may not allow a student to attend their class if the student's name is not on the official class roster. Students who have outstanding tuition due will be dropped from classes.
Students who are officially enrolled in credit classes must be in attendance, or communicate with the instructor, no later than the first scheduled session of day classes. Students who are absent without prior approval of the instructor or the division may be dropped by the college.
Students should not assume that they have been dropped if they have not attended class on the first day. This procedure is usually implemented only when there are other students waiting to enroll in that class.
Concurrent enrollment with other campuses outside the Seattle College District is no longer available. However, Intradistrict registration is available inside the Seattle College District.
Authority: North Seattle College
You may change your courses from credit-to-audit or audit-to-credit in person at the Registration Front Counter Services only through the 8th week (6th week for summer) of the quarter.
Instructor’s signature for permission is required beginning the tenth day of the quarter (the eighth day for summer quarter).
Credit/Audit change is not available through the Online Services.
You do not receive credit or grades for audited classes. Audited classes cannot be used as a completed prerequisite.
Authority: North Seattle College
Currently Enrolled Students are students who are continually enrolled in school from quarter to quarter. (Students who are enrolled Fall, Winter and Spring and do not enroll for summer are still considered Currently Enrolled Students the next Fall quarter).
Currently enrolled students register for classes using NSC’s Online Services beginning the 7th week of the prior quarter. Students can follow instructions on how to register for classes or go to the Online Services section for links to registration and other services.
Students must pay their tuition and fees by the posted deadline via Online Services or in person through the Cashier.
Authority: North Seattle College
As a student seeking services, assistance, accommodation and/or academic adjustments, you are responsible for and expected to comply with the following:
- Identify yourself as a student with a disability and complete the Intake Appointment with Disability Services staff before the start of each quarter. As a part of the intake process, you are required to submit documentation to verify eligibility for services.
- Requests for approved disability accommodations must be submitted in a timely manner. Where books in alternative format are needed, contact Disability Services 4-6 weeks before the start of the quarter. Requests for interpreting services should be made at least 4 weeks in advance of the start of classes. Requests for furniture or equipment should be made 4 weeks in advance of the start of classes. When request are make late, delays may occur in the provision of accommodations.
- Be available to assist faculty in their understanding of your specific needs.
- Follow all policies and procedures of North Seattle Community College's Disability Services office.
- Inform Disability Services, in a timely manner, of any concerns about the effective receipt of agreed-upon accommodations.
Inquiries regarding ADA§504 should be directed to the Disabilities Services manager or coordinator.
Authority: North Seattle College
The North Seattle College Web site has many links to other Web sites. These include links to Web sites operated by other entities. When you follow a link to another site, you are no longer on the North Seattle College Web site and our Privacy Statement and other protections will not apply. When you link to another Web site, you are subject to the privacy policy and terms of usage of that site.
Neither the State of Washington, nor any agency, officer, or employee of the State of Washington warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at their own risk.
Authority: North Seattle College
Entry codes are five-digit numbers issued to students for classes that have unmet prerequisites or require permission by an instructor. Entry codes are used for registration through Online Services. Once an entry code has been used, the computer will not accept the same code again. Entry codes are available for unmet prerequisites through Advising, or, for permission classes, from the division.
Authority: US
Information related this law is available from the following resources.
Authority: North Seattle College
For academic, Social Security, VA, loan guarantor, etc., you must enroll in and complete at least 12 credits to be considered full-time; 6-11 credits is halftime; 5 or fewer is less than half-time.
Authority: North Seattle College
Students who will complete their program requirements for a certificate or degree at the end of any quarter must apply for their award certificate as soon as they enroll in classes for that quarter of completion. This application must be submitted no later than the end of the second week of the quarter.
Authority: North Seattle College
North Seattle College recognizes that the air is shared by all members of the college community and those who visit the campus; that suitable air quality is important in fostering a healthy and creative learning and working environment. North strongly advocates a pollutant-free environment. It also encourages a fragrance-free environment on its campus and in its programs. The college seeks to maintain the best possible air quality attainable within fiscal, legal, and regulatory constraints.
Authority: North Seattle College
Four-digit number assigned to each class section. It is the number you use to register for a class or to add or drop a class.
Authority: North Seattle College
This is a reduced rate available only to non-resident students enrolled in E-learning classes.
To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or have resident status by Federal INS.
Students must first register. Then they may seek approval for the reduced rate from the Admission & Registration Office prior to paying tuition. All non-residents who have not received approval from ARRC will be charged the regular non-resident rate.
Authority: North Seattle College
Authority: North Seattle College
Authority: Seattle College District
The Student Complaints Policy (WAC 132F-121-060) describes the process students follow to complain about District or College policies and/or procedures that allegedly have not been followed by college personnel.
A student complaint/issue against an instructor or staff member should be referred to the appropriate division Dean or Administrator. District policy and procedures encourages student complaints to be processed on an informal basis first. This usually entails involvement of the instructor and the Dean/Administrator to resolve the complaint at the informal level. Contact information for Division Administrators is available on program pages.
If the student feel the complaint was not resolved, the student has the option of filing a formal complaint online.
Notification of Title IV Student Complaint Process
The Higher Education Act (HEA) prohibits an institution of higher education from engaging in a “substantial misrepresentation of the nature of its educational program, its financial charges, or the employability of its graduates.” 20 U.S.C. §1094(c)(3)(A). Further, each state must have “a process to review and appropriately act on complaints concerning the institution including enforcing applicable state laws.” 34 C.F.R. § 600.9. The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) maintains a process to investigate complaints of this nature brought by community and technical college students in the state of Washington. For information, contact SBCTC Student Services, PO Box 42495, Olympia, WA 98504-2495, studentservices@sbctc.edu, 360-704-4315 or visit sbctc.edu.
Webpage: https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-services/resources.aspx
Student Formal Grade Complaints (WAC 132F-121-090)
The Formal Grade Student complaints regarding grades received for course work can be filed using the informal or formal complaint procedure. A student may formally grieve only the final grade received in a course, but that complaint may include any or all of the components of that final grade. For a grade complaint, the respondent(s) shall be, or include, the instructor who issued the grade.
A formal complaint regarding a grade must be filed not later than the last day of the quarter which follows the quarter for which the disputed grade was received, except that a complaint regarding a spring quarter grade may be filed through the last day of the following fall quarter.
Formal Grade Complaints should be submitted online using the Grade Complaint Form.
Authority: North Seattle College
Authority: Seattle College District
The Student Conduct Policy (WAC 132F-121-100) delineates what is misconduct (WAC 132F-121-110). If a student's conduct does not comply with our student conduct policy, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed. Reasons for misconduct referral can include, but not limited to : plagiarism; intentional disruption of teaching, administration, or campus premises. The instructor should report the incident to the division Dean/Administrator who shall refer the matter in writing to the Vice President of Student Development Services. The Vice President of Student Development Services is responsible for disciplinary action related to student misconduct. Student conduct reports should be submitted using the online Conduct/Behavioral Intervention Incident Reporting Form. For full process see Student Handbook.
Authority: North Seattle College