
On-campus Employers

All on-campus employers need to submit an on-campus job description form to the Financial Aid Office annually. Once the job description form is approved, it will be posted on our website and the bulletin boards outside the Financial Aid Office.  Refer to the on-campus work study hiring guide for additional information or send an e-mail to FinancialAid.North@seattlecolleges.edu

Off-campus Employers

All off-campus work study employers need to have a current State of Washington Work Study Program Employer Contract with the Washington Student Achievement Council and the College and an approved job description. All program and contract information including a job description form can be found at http://www.wsac.wa.gov/employers.

If you need additional information, please contact the Financial Aid Office (FinancialAid.North@seattlecolleges.edu) or phone at (206) 934-3688. To post a work study position, please mail, e-mail, or fax a signed Washington State Work Study Program Job Description form.

Statement of Equal Opportunity/Non-discrimination.