Get Started
Ready to enroll as a Running Start student at North Seattle College? Check to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements and follow the instructions below.
We're excited you are joining our PNW Tree Frogs family.
- Must be a WA public high school student
- Able to demonstrate eligibility for either college-level English or college-level math (see “placement testing” for details)
- Junior or senior standing
Enrollment Deadlines:
- Fall and Summer Quarter - May
- Winter Quarter - November
- Spring Quarter - February
We strongly encourage new students to submit their Running Start Enrollment Packet by the first day of registration, as class availability may be limited once registration begins. Running Start applications may not be accepted once the quarter begins. For specific registration dates, please visit the academic calendar.
To learn more and explore the process of applying to the Running Start program, expand the sections below.
Steps to Enroll
- Apply online to be a student at North Seattle College.
- Follow step-by-step instructions for online application.
All Running Start students must demonstrate eligibility for either college-level English or college-level math. This can be demonstrated through several methods, such as placement testing, test scores, or transcripts.
What placement options do I have?
- Smarter Balanced (SBAC) test scores (English placement)
- Seattle Public School high school transcript (math placement only)
- SAT, ACT, AP (Advanced Placement) or IB (International Baccalaureate) test scores
- Refer to Running Start College-Level Placement Options for specific scores/grades needed. Unofficial transcripts or test scores can be used for placement.
Don’t have any of the placement options listed above?
No problem! Then complete your placement testing through North.
English Directed Self-Placement Tool (English DSP)
- This is a self-reflective tool that helps the student assess which English class would be the best fit for their academic ability.
- Instructions available here to request the English DSP
Math Directed Self-Placement Tool (MATH DSP)
- This is a self-guided survey to help you reflect on your current knowledge. By answering a few questions, the tool assesses your proficiency and recommends the right math level for you, then you can self-select your math level
- Instruction available here to take the free online Math DSP
- Complete the Enrollment Verification Form and have your high school counselor sign it.
- This form must also be signed by a parent or guardian.
- Submit the online enrollment packet to the Running Start office. You’ll need to have a parent/guardian available to sign the online form as well. You will also need to attach your completed Enrollment Verification Form.
- If you’re unable to submit the online enrollment packet, complete the fillable PDF version and email it to
Next Steps
- Your application will be reviewed and you will receive an email response from our office within 2 business days.
- If your application is incomplete, a staff member will request additional information from you.
- If you application is complete, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment with an advisor who will help you register for classes.
- Finally, meet with a Running Start advisor at the college you wish to attend to discuss placement test scores and select courses you wish to register for.
- We encourage you to schedule this meeting as early as possible in the registration process to successfully register for your desired classes before they fill.
- It’s also a good idea to bring your parent/guardian with you when you meet with your advisor. Allow them to help you get started and cheer you on. Having a strong support network with help you be successful in college.
Attend new student orientation to prepare for your first day. We offer Running Start orientations for newly enrolled students a couple of weeks before the start of every quarter, where we help prepare students for the college environment and academic expectations.
There is no tuition cost for Running Start students, but there may be other fees associated with the classes you choose. Be sure to pay these fees at the cashier's office after you have registered. Your enrollment is not complete until these fees are paid. You will be dropped from classes for failure to pay fees.