Employer Information

Starting Out

One of the best ways businesses can partner with higher education to ensure students are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed in the workplace is to offer internships. If you are considering bringing on an intern for the first time or are new to North’s program, take a few minutes to review the Employer Information Packet. If you have additional questions after reviewing the information in the packet and on these pages, please complete and return the Internship Inquiry and Request Form and the Internship Coordinator will contact you.

Posting an Internship

If you already know you want to bring on an intern and would like to advertise a position, you can self-post your opportunity or have the college do it for you. To post yourself, register on our college job board Career Hub and follow the instructions for posting internships or jobs. If you prefer to have the college post the position, complete the Request for Internship Form and return it to the Internship Office.

Supporting Your Intern

As a site supervisor, you play a vital role in helping to shape the student intern's experience. Whether this is a student's first time in the workplace or he or she wants to gain additional experience in a new field of study, your contributions and support help to shape that student's professional development. An internship gives you, the employer, the opportunity and the responsibility to show students how they can best apply the skills they’ve learned in the classroom to the workplace. 

You will need to evaluate the student on his/her internship performance. This evaluation process may be done in the middle of the internship as well as the end if requested by the faculty mentor or internship coordinator.

Your assessment of student performance is part of the grade each student receives for the internship course. In addition, interns have academic responsibilities to the college while they are interning. Your assistance in allowing them leave when necessary is important. All students should also receive an exit interview, which includes feedback on their performance at the end of the internship.


The Internship Training Agreement, Position Description and Learning Objectives forms should be promptly completed at the beginning of the internship. Students will ask you to sign time records and complete performance evaluations. All required documents will be supplied by the college. Sample copies of these documents can be found in the Employer Information Packet.