
The purpose of the subcommittee is to ensure a smooth placement process for students and use data and student feedback to revise any placement process. The charge for 2023-2024 is to:  1) conduct data collection and analysis on success rates for Math and English DSPs, 2) continue to streamline the Math & English placement process for students and staff as needed (e.g., ensure placement coding is clear and consistent in ctcLink), 3) continue to establish strong relationships between English, SCIE, and IP around placement, 4) revise the Math and/or English DSP tools as needed in light of data or accessibility concerns, if any, 5) examine pre-requisites for Math and English.

Membership & Meeting Schedule
  • Members include Guiding Team Members and anyone from the community who is interested.
  • Active Members:  Justina Rompogren, Jessica Albavera, Cathryn Cabral, Jillian Fisher, Edgar Jasso, Tam Nguyen, Brian Palmer, Christina Sheehan, Larry Speer, Sara Stapleton, Kathy Rhodes  
  • Passive Members: Curtis Bonney, Shunsuke Kanazawa, Kathy Kwilinski
  • Sponsoring Unit: Guiding Teams
  • Subcommittee Lead: Justina Rompogren (English Faculty)