The North Seattle Assessment Committee (NSAC) serves as a central reflective space where the instructional assessment committee members collect, synthesize, and disseminate information to the college and the VP of instruction for future actions regarding student learning and instructional assessment. In 2023-2024, NSAC will focus on developing a Data Justice approach to instructional assessment and the Teaching Improvement Practice collecting of data and report. This year, they will work on revising the TIP questionnaire to reflect Data Justice and will work on completing one of the NWCCU recommendations as it applies to assessment.
Membership & Meeting Schedule
- A faculty chair, two representatives from each Instructional Division, a student representative, the Director of Assessment, and a representative from student services.
- Current members include:
Jill Lane, Alissa Agnello, Laura McCracken, Vinod Sastry, Sarka Faltinova, Joe Smith, Toni Anderson, Ana Villar, Trish Root, Christina Sheehan - Meet monthly on Fridays from 1:00-2:00 p.m. hybrid
- Sponsoring Unit: Instruction
- Faculty Chair Alissa Agnello (Math Faculty)
- Administrative Chair Jill Lane (Special Asst to the President)
Missing & erroneous committee information should be reported to