
NSC’s Division heads, Directors, Deans, and other campus leaders join the cabinet regularly for agenda topics such as professional development, reports and updates, major campus activities and events, actions and decisions impacting the entire campus, communications, and other business.

Membership & Meeting Schedule
  • NSC’s Division heads, Directors, Deans, and other campus leaders
  • Current Members include:
    Rachel Solemsaas, Jill Lane, Peter Lortz, Alice Melling, JD Burchfield, Andy Dole, Kristen Burton, Toni Stankovic, Cooper Sealy, Oso, Lyle Crews, Melana Yanos, Brian Palmer, Curtis Bonney, Alissa Agnello, Dan Tarker, Brittany Harper, Jeanette Miller, Larry Spears, Thuy Nguyen, Kathy Rhodes, William White
  • Meets quarterly on a Tuesday TBD from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Sponsoring Unit: President
  • Chair, President Rachel Solemsaas