Pre-College Mathematics

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Pre-College Mathematics

Program Overview

ABE/GED/Transitional Studies & Pre-College Mathematics is a sequence of classes for students who need to brush up on and/or strengthen their math foundation before moving into their fields of study, such as college-level math or science, or a career training program such as Business or Early Childhood Education.

The class or classes you may need will depend on your educational pathway: college transfer vs. job/career training program. It is best to talk with your Advisor or Transition Specialist.

Sequence of Classes:

5 credits | ABE 51 Geometry
5 credits | ABE 81 or MATH 81 Basic Math Skills 
5 credits | ABE 84 or MATH 84 Algebra I 
5 credits | ABE 85 or MATH 85 Algebra II
     (MATH 97 (5 credits) can replace MATH 84 and MATH 85)
5 credits | ABE 98 or MATH 98 Intermediate Algebra 
     (MATH 99 and either MATH 107 or MATH 146 can be
     taken simultaneously instead of MATH 98. 
     For details, read about Co-requisite Math Courses.)

What is the difference between Transitional Studies and Pre-College Mathematics?

Placement Test: placement into the appropriate math class is based on the results of a placement test. See contact above or click here for more information on placement tests.

After Pre-College Math: After the satisfactory completion of Intermediate Algebra, you may enroll in college-level math and science courses. College-level math courses are numbered 100 and above. See College Math for more information.

For some career training programs, you may not have to complete Intermediate Algebra. It is best to check with your advisor or faculty coordinator. 

For questions or more information please contact:         

Transitional Studies
Shan Lackey, Transition Specialist