Dawn Cheung (she/her)

Dawn Cheung is a 1.5 generation Chinese American who was born and raised in Seattle, Washington! She is a first-generation college student and completed her undergrad and graduate programs at the University of Washington! She holds a master's in social work (MSW) degree with a specialization in Community Centered Integrative Practices. Her background has included non-profit work, career coaching, and managing various student programs at the high school, university, and now community college level. One of her favorite parts of her work is teaching courses and getting to know students through meaningful topics and engaging conversations which is why she is so excited to teach HDC 101 at North! As a once lost and confused student who did not know where to go to for support nor where to find community or peers who could resonate, her north star is ensuring that students do not have to feel or experience the isolation she felt and instead find comfort and community wherever they are in their educational journey. To practice self-care and wellness, Dawn loves to do arts and crafts projects, journal at coffee shops, play badminton, enjoy live music, and travel! If you want to find out more about my academic and career journey, please take a look at my LinkedIn!