
The Art Council raises awareness of Art on campus and, in doing so, prioritizes activities that work toward sustaining a diverse and environmentally aware community. The Art Council’s primary goals: create an aesthetically stimulating environment for North employees, students, and visitors; encourage, elevate, inspire, and educate through the visual arts; complete and maintain an inventory of the art including proper attribution to artists; collect student art as well as art from professional artists; improve conservation and preservation efforts for future generations; and use the North Seattle College Art Collections to enhance the college’s core themes – Advancing Student Success, Excelling in Teaching and Learning, and Building Community

Membership & Meeting Schedule
  • Members include faculty, staff, and student members.
  • Current members include:
    Amanda Knowles, Kelda Martensen, Wren Lane, Paula Rebsom, Cristóbal Borges, Tania Hino, Zola Mumford, Alissa Agnello, Deepa Bhandaru, Laura McCracken, Jillian Fisher, Toni Stankovic, Rakhee Phelps, Rose Buchanan, Karen Stuhldreher, Clairesse Jauregui, and KC Potter de Haan
  • Meet the first Monday of each month with subcommittees meeting as needed.
  • Sponsoring Unit: The President’s office who awards $1000 annually for the purchase of student artwork
  • Co Chairs: Art Department faculty Kelda Martensen and Amanda Knowles