Laura Lubash
Academic Advisor – Workforce Education

Pronouns: She/Her
What is the most valuable thing that you have learned from your education that you would share with students? Follow your passion. Believe in yourself and choose a path that will be fulfilling for you. And always reach out for support whenever you need it.
What is one interesting fact about you? I played in the Little League Softball World Series in 1977.
Ask me about: baking, horror films, and roller coasters!
What is your favorite quote? It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences. Audre Lorde
Education: M. in Policy Studies, UW Bothell; M.Ed, Lesley College; B.A. in Mathematics and B.A. in French, Seattle University
Phone: 206-934-7307
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