General Accounting & Bookkeeping Certificates

Bookkeeping Accounting Achievement Computerized Accounting Technology Bookkeeping Assistant/IBEST Accounting

With North’s certificates in Bookkeeping, Accounting Achievement, Bookkeeping Assistant/I-Best Accounting and Computerized Accounting Technology, you can develop entry-level skills in bookkeeping, get a basic orientation to accounting, get thorough training on the most current computerized accounting software or train to be an accountant with immediate job possibilities.

Bookkeeping Certificate

The Bookkeeping certificate program prepares you for entry-level bookkeeping careers and general office employment. This certificate has been streamlined, now spanning just 3 quarters, helping students take advantage of Worker Retraining funding programs.  The curriculum enables you to think critically, formulate values and make decisions, and appreciate and understand your own and other cultures. Course requirements outside the accounting department provide related instruction in support of skills and knowledge necessary in the accounting and general office fields.  

Accounting Achievement Certificate

The Accounting Achievement certificate provides you with a basic understanding of accounting principles and procedures, computers and accounting software. All courses transfer to other certificate programs and to the AAS and AAS-T degrees in accounting.

 Computerized Accounting Technology Certificate

The Computerized Accounting Technology certificate is a 4-quarter program designed to provide you with computerized accounting skills using industry-current accounting software.  The program bridges the gap between manual and computerized accounting systems, giving you hands-on experience and expertise with basic and mid-range accounting systems. This experience will prepare you for entry into and/or advancement in the accounting job market with both large and small organizations.

 Bookkeeping Assistant/IBEST Accounting

The Bookkeeping Assistant/I-BEST Accounting program is a beginner level to bookkeeping assistant skills program that allows you to start your career in accounting.  The program transitions directly in the Bookkeeping or the Computerized Accounting Certificates followed by transition to the AAS or AAS-T accounting degrees.  This program is also offered in the I-BEST format to support Adult Basic Ed (ABE) and Non-native English speakers.  For more information, click on the Bookkeeping Assistant/IBEST Accounting link above.  


  • Accounting FraudCertificate link should link should stay linked to its current setup.
  • Certified Public Accounting (CPA) certificate link should stay linked to its current setup