
About the Humanities and Cultural Studies Pathway 

Students may create their own Associate in Arts pathway with an emphasis in the humanities and culture by choosing from a list of VLPA and ICS courses for electives and for the degree distribution areas. With your advisor, create a combination of courses that looks at culture through the lens of literature, film, anthropology, political science, ethnic studies, gender studies, philosophy, sociology, history, music, and art.  

This introduction to the humanities examines the common issues, ideas, and themes throughout cultures and human history. Students examine issues such as race, gender, and class as they relate to current culture, global movements, and social justice. You’ll learn to reason critically, research and communicate effectively, and make search for knowledge through an interdisciplinary lens.  

Speak with an advisor if you’d like to develop a humanities-oriented degree program, or see our pathway coming soon in Social Justice and Intersectional Studies.