Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship

What is the Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship Program?

A certified Pharmacy Technician is a licensed staff person able to perform non-discretionary functions in a retail or medical pharmacy. Apprentices “learn while they earn” working fulltime while gaining skills taught by experience teachers, coaches, and mentors. Pharmacy Technician apprentices are supervised by the lead pharmacist and work with other pharmacy technicians who are trained as mentors. Classrooms and labs are hybrid virtual real-time classrooms and in-person labs. 

The apprenticeship program for Pharmacy Technician involves 264 hours of classroom and lab, and 2,000 hours of work experience and takes about one year to complete.

To become Pharmacy Technicians, apprentices must pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam through the Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission.

Minimum Qualifications to apply

Applicants must be 18 or older, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be able to perform the physical duties of the role.

Prior to program entry, applicants must pass an assessment for placement into or having completed courses in college level Math and English.

Applicants are selected by individual employers who participate in the Health Care Apprenticeship Consortium. Most cohorts are open to general applicants. Current SEIU Healthcare 1199NW members are encouraged to apply.

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